
The Palestinian Social Fund raises unconditional funding for cooperative farms in Palestine through grassroots efforts.

We're a volunteer-run non-profit with clear values:

  • We don’t take salaries.
  • We don’t accept conditions.
  • We don’t make conditions.
  • We believe the fund’s success will be determined by the people’s solidarity.

Recent news

  • The Support (إسناد) Campaign in Tulkarm Camp continues!

    With the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, food parcels were distributed to the resilient and trapped families inside the camp. ...

    Tulkarm · 02-03-2025
  • One of our members co-authored an article about the cooperative movement taking root in Palestine on Hammer&Hope, an online magazine on Black politics and culture. Give it a read to learn more!

    New York City · 05-11-2024
  • One of our members presented the work of the Palestinian Social Fund to chapters of SJP in North America, focusing on concepts of food sovereignty and building popular cradle to support our people's resistance.

    Washington D.C. / National SJP Conference · 02-11-2024

    • After a successful “Long Live Our Workers” campaign (raised $20k) where we provided work at cooperative farms for Gazan workers stranded in the West Bank, we sent another $13,000 to subsidize their income until the end of the year. ...

      Montreal · 23-10-2024
    • In the continuing genocide on the Palestinian people in Gaza, over 2000 Gazan workers have been stranded in the West Bank, unable to return to their families who are under the constant bombardment of the occupation.


      Montreal · 11-06-2024
    • After 146 days of genocide committed on Gaza, the occupation has also increased aggression on the West Bank.

      Over 200 thousand have been out of work for the last 4 months after being banned from working in...

      Montreal · 01-03-2024
    • Yesterday, community members and youth joined us for a film screening and discussion on the significance of cooperative farming in the occupied West Bank. Cohosted by the Palestinian Social Fund, the Popular Art Center, and the Palestinian Youth Movement, we discussed the nature of agriculture and ecological practices as a...

      Montreal · 04-02-2024
    • We're rooted in the land, we cultivate it and water it with the sweat of our foreheads.

      Arraba-Jenin: The Al Ardu Lana cooperative in the town of Arraba, southwest of Jenin,...

      Arraba / Al Ardu Lana · 28-12-2023
    • Under the slogan: “Home gardens are a step on the path to social solidarity,” the Palestinian Cultural Tanwiri Forum and the Center for Legal and Psychological Support and Guidance for Women are organizing (the Home Gardens Campaign) within the work program of the Partnership Youth Forum, which includes distributing seedlings...

      West Bank · 04-12-2023
    • A collective statement issued by 32 Palestinian community organizations in response to the threats from European and other foreign funders in halting foreign aid.

      This is a call onto the diaspora...

      West Bank · 16-10-2023
    • Specialized practical training in a number of important topics in the bee sector under the supervision of Engineer Zaid Jawabreh, Head of the Bee Department in the Agriculture Directorate in Nablus. A number of women’s cooperatives participated in the training: Rataj Cooperative - Asira, Juthur Nursery - Beit Furik, Kanaan...

      Beit Furik · 14-07-2023
    • A solidarity and support visit to the Al-Mughayir Agricultural Cooperative Society, at the initiative of the Nablus Cooperatives Network and the Tanwiri Forum, and within the activities of the Partnership Youth Forum.


      Al Mughayir / Al-Mughayir Cooperative · 10-06-2023
    • Today’s wheat harvest from the young men and women of the West Line Cooperative, which consists of several cooperatives and farms located in the area West Ramallah (Ard Al Falahin, Ard Al Ya'as, Rummana, Om Suleiman, Al-Falah’s Farm).

      West Ramallah / West Line Cooperative · 30-05-2023
    • A new cooperative group (Al-Ardu Lana Cooperative - الأرض لنا) is making its way in the town of Arraba in Jenin, where a dunum of greenhouses has been rented and planted with beans. Now the process of distributing the produce within the town is underway in the form of requests...

      Arraba / AlArdu Lana · 11-05-2023
    • Over 100 food baskets have been donated to families during the holy month of Ramadan.

      The campaign collected products from youth and women's farming and food cooperatives to distribute to families. ...

      West Bank · 14-04-2023
    • On the occasion of the eternal Land Day, our message to our Palestinian youth:

      Cultivating the land with your hands and with your cooperation is the actual way to protect the...

      Asira Al Qibliya / Retaj Women's Cooperative · 30-03-2023
    • The Land is Ours (الأرض لنا) cooperative continues its agricultural activity!

      The Land Is Ours youth cooperative planted a greenhouse with green beans and local lettuce, this comes as a continuation...

      Jenin / Al Ardu Lana · 18-02-2023
    • 2022 Update 🇵🇸

      Nearing the close of 2022, the support poured in and we raised 6000 USD to support the cooperative farms in Palestine. A warm salute to all the supporters...

      Saffa / Ard Al Ya's · 10-01-2023

    • The Popular Art Centre (مركز الفن الشعبي) organized an educational visit to the cooperatives working in a seed nusery, with the participation of the Rummana cooperative (تعونية رمانة) from Saffa village (قرية صفا), the Land and Plants cooperative - Roots nursery (تعاونية أرض وزرع - مشتل جذور) from Beit Furik...

      Thababa · 15-11-2022
    • The Youth Partnership Forum, under the context of publishing and disseminating youth cooperative experiences, held a meeting about the concept of cooperatives as an alternative economic model with the participation of 40 students from Palestine Technical University Khadoory (امعة فلسطين...

      An-Najah University · 23-10-2022
    • ✌️🇵🇸باقون ما بقي الزعتر والزيتون✌️🇵🇸
      ✌️🇵🇸We're staying as long as thyme and olives remain✌️🇵🇸
      The Youth Partnership Forum and the Enlightenment Forum launched the 13th annual campaign to help farmers harvest olives, titled "We're staying as long as thyme and...

      Asira al-Qibliya · 10-10-2022
    • The Partnership Youth Forum organized the "Cooperative Work" camp (مخيم العمل التعاوني), with the participation of more than 50 participants representing 17 youth and women's cooperative groups and associations from different municipalities of the country. The goal of the camp...

      Ramallah · 17-09-2022
    • Solidarity campaign for Beit Duqqu grape farmers—on its third day, 70 cartons of grapes were purchased, to bring the total to 200 cartons (1000 kg of grapes) that were distributed across 60 families in need and a group of women ...

      Beit Duqqu · 29-08-2022
    • The Partnership Youth Forum organized a field visit to Om Sleiman Farm in Bil’in village as a distinguished agricultural model specialized in ecological and community-supported agriculture within the “Falahoun Mutajawilun” (Roaming Farmers) initiative. 35 people representing 11 agricultural cooperatives and associations from Tulkarm, Jenin, Nablus...

      Bil'in / Om Sleiman · 04-08-2022
    • A new youth cooperative consisting of 5 younths, called Manarat Al Ard (Beacon of the Land) in the village of Erak Burin, Nablus. The cooperative's products: thyme, vegetables, and poultry. The aim of the cooperative is to protect the lands near the Har Bracha settlement that are threatened with confiscation...

      Erak Burin / Manarat Al Ard · 10-06-2022
    • We planted these melons 3 months ago through youth volunteer work with the Ikhlia Women's Cooperative, in Sahel Al Baqee'a in the Jordan Valley. And now it is ready to be picked and eaten!

      Sahl Al Baqee'a / Ikhlia Women's Cooperative · 03-06-2022
    • To boycott the products and melons of the occupation, which is currently flooding our markets, let's support our Palestinian valleys and our steadfast farmers who are the protectors of the land.

      Auja · 22-05-2022
    • The cooperative farmers market is not only a place to buy and sell anymore, it’s a place where people frequent and eagerly wait for its biweekly occurrence. This excitement from the community brings us joy and pushes us to continue with even more motivation, and the people’s belief in supporting...

      Ramallah / Popular Art Centre · 21-05-2022
    • The "Amal Cooperative" (Hope Cooperative) was launched several months ago in the village of Madama, south of Nablus. The cooperative includes 6 people (3 men and 3 women) who planted a 5 dunams of land with wheat, and recently a plot of land was rehabilitated and planted with squash and...

      Madama / Amal Cooperative · 21-05-2022
    • As part of our ongoing campaign, with the help of the Youth Partnership Forum and AlAwda Center, to help youth cooperatives and small farmers in marketing their products, 50 food baskets of seasonal products and vegetables were prepared and distributed to 50 families in need in Salfit, Nablus and Tulkarm...

      Salfit · 16-04-2022
    • The Department of Social Sciences/Master of Social Work program held a dialogue on youth cooperatives as a model for the resistance economy. The dialogue dealt with the experience of forming youth cooperatives in Palestine in terms of concept and structure, and its relationship to the social construction of a steadfast...

      Bethlehem / Bethlehem University · 01-04-2022

    Palestinian Social Fund © Non-profit registered in Canada